Coming Soon! New Look for Email Newsletter and Website

Website and Newsletter Face Lifts Coming in January You may have noticed our website looks slightly different. That’s because the Electronic Communications Committee has been hard at work upgrading our website and newsletter.  We’ve recently moved to a new webhost and are in the process of upgrading our membership and registration database.  This investment in…

McKinstry and Notkin to be awarded 1st annual Puget Sound ASHRAE Company Recognition Award

    Membership Promotion Committee publicizes the aims, activities, achievements, and scientific and educational purposes of the Society to encourage qualified persons to apply for membership. The committee also monitors the Society’s membership demographics and, where appropriate, adjusts or creates programs to ensure that individuals from all demographic backgrounds are being equally attracted to ASHRAE….

NEW! Fact sheet about the Commissioning provisions in the 2015 WSEC

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE Cx REQUIREMENT? There is a saying in construction that a project can be finished on time, on budget, or 100% complete: pick any two. Commissioning significantly increases the likelihood that technical details such as system configurations, HVAC air and water flow rates, occupancy and temperature settings, and the record drawings are correct…

State Building Code Council Update

  State Building Code Council gears up for another round of updates to state building codes First technical advisory group meeting is Nov. 30 Technical advisory groups for the Washington State Building Code Council will begin meeting Nov. 30 to analyze and make recommendations for changes to the state’s building code. Codes specify minimum requirements to help safeguard…

An Interview with Joel Smith, P.E., of PSF Mechanical

By Seth Pike Joel joined the PSF Mechanical Team in 2009 and is presently the Engineering Department Technical Director.  His opportunities in mechanical contracting started in 1969 while attending West Seattle High School as a ASHRAE drafting intern with MacDonald-Miller Company. A 1975 mechanical engineering graduate from the University of Washington, Joel worked throughout the…

Deadline Extended! Submit an Application for our Chapter Technology Awards

Deadline Extended! Submit an Application for our Chapter Technology Awards

2019 Chapter Technology Awards Applications Now Available We would like to encourage our members to submit your projects for the upcoming award season. Past chapter winners have gone on to win multiple Regional and Society awards. Please help us spread the word about your innovations and achievements! Chapter winners will go onto the Regional competition, which…

Recap: November Chapter Meeting

Recap: November Chapter Meeting

For those of you who were unable to make this month’s chapter meeting, you missed a lively discussion of CO2 Refrigeration and Heat Pumps. We had over 45 guests in attendance at the Motif hotel ballroom in downtown Seattle. Our special guest ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer Greg Scrivener, president of Cold Dynamics, came in from Edmonton, Alberta…

November New Member Raffle Winner

Ashraf “Ash” Faraj, Account Executive at LONG Building Technologies, was the lucky winner of the $25.00 Starbucks gift card at the November Chapter meeting. Ashraf is a recent new member of the Puget Sound Chapter. Congratulations Ash and welcome to our chapter! Anyone who recently joined our Chapter, who attends as a guest, who brings a…