Krishnan Gowri
Chapter Technology Transfer Chair
Krishnan Gowri has more than thirty years of experience in the construction industry as a building science and building performance expert. Krishnan received his undergraduate degree in Civil and Structural engineering from Annamalai University in India and obtained his Masters and Doctoral degrees in Building Engineering from Center for Building Studies at Concordia University, Montreal, Que. Since 1995, Krishnan was part of the Building Energy Codes Program as Senior Research Scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, WA. During his almost 20 year tenure at PNNL Krishnan led the energy codes software development team and was a key contributor and developer of COMcheck and REScheck tools, widely used to demonstrate compliance to ASHRAE 90.1 and IECC energy codes. Krishnan has been a member of ASHRAE since 1995 and has served on various technical and society committees. Krishnan is a recipient of ASHRAE Exceptional Service and Distinguished Service Awards and recognized as an ASHRAE Fellow in 2017. He is currently the Chair of 2027 Applications Handbook Subcommittee. Beyond his academic, research and industry pursuits, Krishnan spends his leisure time volunteering for a non-profit educational organization and anything tennis – as a player, stringer, certified official and coach.
The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry.