Expert Consultant Needed: Commercial Refrigeration/Freezers

Our chapter received this request for expert Refrigeration consulting.  If you can assist, please contact Lisa Benedetti at — I am looking for an expert consultant in the area of commercial refrigerators/freezers, specifically regarding damage to the equipment and the cause of that damage. I was wondering if your organization could put me in…

Shoreline College – Mentor Night Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed for Mentor Night at Shoreline Community College This Engineering Mentor Night, co-sponsored by the Puget Sound Engineering Council (PSEC) and Shoreline Community College (SCC) will give students an opportunity to meet representatives from the wide spectrum of practice in the profession of engineering. Students can: Meet professional engineers Explore opportunities in engineering Get advice from…

CALL FOR JUDGES: The Washington State Science & Engineering Fair

The Washington State Science & Engineering Fair (WSSEF) will be held April 1&2, 2016 at Bremerton High School. Boeing is a major sponsor. A record breaking number of students are expected this year, including an unusually large number of high school students on Saturday. If the number of judges is insufficient, students must wait many…

HVE Engineering Job Openings

HV Engineering (HVE), a consulting firm established in 1996, has immediate openings for energetic and innovative Mechanical Designer/Engineers with HVAC and plumbing consulting design experience.   HVE is a small firm with a family-like atmosphere where we believe our employees are our most valuable asset.  This is demonstrated by firm principals who actively mentor each employee…

Volunteers Needed: Students of Color Career Conference

Please help us engage professionals in these areas to participate as panelists at the Students of Color Career Conference at Everett Community College on March 24th. The time commitment that day for panelists is from 8:45am–noon. Volunteers needed: Aerospace / Manufacturing Aviation Engineering (Contractor, Architect, Engineer) Fire Science (Firefighter, Emergency Medical Technician) Healthcare (Doctor, Nurse, Veterinary,…

March President’s Message

Seeking Volunteers for Chapter Leadership As we approach the last few Chapter meetings of the year its time look forward and fill our open Board and Committee positions. We also have several active committees that we are always happy to have more of our members join and help out when they can even if only for a single…

2016 ASHRAE Technology Award Applications Due March 11th

Puget Sound ASHRAE Technology Awards – 2016 Submissions ​The Puget Sound ASHRAE Chapter would like to thank one last time all of the excellent submissions to the Technology Awards that were received last year. We had an amazing showing regionally and nationally.  Now we are looking forward to the 2016 submissions. We would like to encourage everyone to submit a project this year and…