Volunteers Needed: Girl Scout STEM activity August 3rd-4th

Dear ASHRAE Members,

I run the Kent-Evergreen Girl Scout Day Camp in the Maple Valley/Renton area. This year, between August 2nd and 4th, we will be challenging our camper to created life raft prototypes to ‘escape from Gilligan’s Island.’

We are looking for volunteers to come in and teach them the basic scientific and engineering principles behind design, buoyancy, surface tension, etc. as well as guide them through their building process.

Volunteers would be needed from about 9:45-3:45 on August 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. They would be teaching 6 different groups a day in about 30 minutes sessions (very little teaching, much more doing).

Is this something that you could help us with or do you know of any other organizations that may be able to help us out?

I am so excited about the idea of exposing 80-100 to the fun and exciting life of STEM activities and careers.

Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Sonja Griffing
