SBCC Public Hearing to be held on Group 1 Proposed Rules

Public Hearings
Open to the public
Virtual options only at this time
The State Building Code Council will be holding a series of three public hearings to receive public comments on proposed changes to:
WAC 51-50, Adoption and Amendment of the 2021 International Building Code, Non-structural Provisions
WAC 51-54A, Adoption and Amendment of the 2021 International Fire Code
WAC 51-11C, Adoption and amendment of the 2021 Washington State Energy Code, Commercial Provisions
The first hearing will be dedicated to testimony on the 2021 International Building Code and 2021 International Fire Code. The second hearing will focus on the changes for the 2021 Washington State Energy Code—Commercial. The final hearing is provided for testimony, on all three codes, that was unable to be heard at the earlier hearings due to time constraints or other impediments. See dates and meeting links below.
In response to the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation there will not be a physical location. Please access the hearing via Zoom or phone. To facilitate testimony, we are asking all who wish to testify at the hearings to fill out and submit the attached form at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the hearing. Your name will be called by the Hearing Officer when it is your turn to testify.
Time constraints, technical issues, etc. could affect your ability to testify. The Hearing Officer may further limit testimony time due to time constraints. The current time allotted per testifier is 3 minutes. Be advised that registering to testify does not guarantee you a chance to speak or speak at specific times. Council staff is unable to assist you with any individual connection, Zoom link, or other technical issue you may experience. Please see instructions for tips on how to address any common link or other technical issues.
Written testimony can be provided to at any time until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 11.
Friday, February 11, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (IBC and IFC testimony Only)
Friday, February 25, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (WSEC-C testimony Only)
Friday, March 11, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Overflow IBC, IFC and WSEC-C testimony)
To join Zoom meeting by phone:
February 11 (IBC/IFC): 501388
February 25 (WSEC-C): 932668
March 11 (All): 343617
To join Zoom meeting by computer:
Meeting links:
February 11 (IBC/IFC):
Meeting ID: 952 8150 1469
Password: 501388
February 25 (WSEC-C):
Meeting ID: 921 8364 9963
Password: 932668
March 11 (All):
Meeting ID: 940 3781 3653
Password: 343617
Public Testimony Sign Up Sheet:
REMINDER: Sign up forms must be received at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the hearing.