Smrithi Pranatharthi Haran

Honors and Awards Committee Chair

Smrithi is a mechanical engineer at Arup, holding a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Global Engineering Studies from Purdue University. She has contributed to the design of various building types, including healthcare facilities and national laboratories. Having grown up in Singapore and lived in multiple locations, Smrithi is passionate about integrating and advancing sustainable infrastructure and inclusive design. During her time at Purdue, she was also deeply involved in research at the Center for High Performance Buildings (Herrick Labs). Since 2023, Smrithi has been active in the Puget Sound Chapter of ASHRAE, currently serving as the Honors and Awards Committee Lead. She is dedicated to enhancing the committee’s visibility within the chapter and the industry. In her personal life, Smrithi enjoys traveling, learning new languages, photography, trying new things, and exploring good restaurants and cafes!

Sierra Spitulski

Honors and Awards Committee Co-Chair

Sierra is a Healthcare Engineering Group Leader and Associate Principal at P2S. She has been ASHRAE’s biggest cheerleader since her volunteering began in 2017 as the Women-in-ASHRAE Chair for the Southern California Chapter. After working through the Board positions, she served as the Southern California Chapter President for the 2022-2023 year. In 2023, she moved to Seattle where she now supports the Puget Sound Chapter on the BOG and at the Regional level as the DEI Chair for Region XI. In addition, she is an active contributor to TC 9.6 and SSPC 170 at the Society level.

ASHRAE’s Honors and Awards program recognizes the dedicated ASHRAE Members who give freely of their time and expertise to fulfill the Society’s mission of advancing the arts and sciences of HVAC&R to serve humanity and provide a sustainable world. Our award recipients exemplify the best in engineering and technology by continually bringing credit to the profession and the Society