The “2018” Energy Codes in 2022
- ASHRAE Puget Sound

March Chapter Meeting
After a year working under the 2018 Washington and Seattle energy codes, this presentation will provide a recap of the mechanical sections, emphasizing provisions new to the 2018 codes and especially Seattle’s heat pump heating and water heating rules, plus other state and Seattle regulations driving efficiency. We will review resources available to local engineers, including Tips from SDCI, webinars from the Lighting Design Lab, customized TSPR and Appendix G resources from DOE/PNNL, and incentive programs from Seattle City Light. Seattle enforcement programs will be clarified, and the presentation will conclude with a look forward at our next steps towards a clean energy future. Lots to look forward to so hope you’ll join us! Please email with specific questions, concerns, and complaints, so we can focus the presentation on the most important issues to you!
Duane Jonlin | FAIA, Energy Code Advisor, Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections Duane Jonlin manages development of the Seattle Energy Code and serves on the Technical Advisory Group for the Washington State Energy Code. At the federal level he is a member of the ASHRAE 90.1 standard committee and chair of the IECC Commercial Code Consensus Committee. Prior to taking his position with the City of Seattle, Duane was a principal at NBBJ, with 30 years’ experience designing complex projects as a technical architect. He is a fellow of the American Institute of Architects and is a featured speaker nationally on issues of energy efficiency and energy regulations.