TAC Event: Washington Clean Building Act
The Washington Clean Buildings Act was signed into law during the 2019 legislative session. The act establishes a first-of-its-kind standard that will improve the energy performance of thousands of large commercial buildings while lowering costs and pollution from fossil fuel consumption. The act provides incentives and regulations that encourage greater energy efficiency in all aspects of new and existing buildings, including building design, energy efficiency standards, retrofit incentives, utility programs, and building codes.
Martin Clinton
Martin Clinton is the Building Performance Services Manager at UMC, specializing in building operations. He and his team perform building tune-ups, facility assessments, energy audits, monitoring based commissioning, training, and more. He brings a unique experience with over 20 years of operations and maintenance experience in healthcare, oil & gas and nuclear power sectors. He has been a guest speaker for numerous organizations and continues to educate people on the implications of Washington States new Clean Buildings Standard.