September Chapter Meeting Happy Hour
- Meeting

How to Leverage LinkedIn to Expand Your Network
Come join ASHRAE for the first in-person meeting of the year!
We are excited to have in-person meetings again as they make the best networking events. On that note, September’s meeting will be focused on using LinkedIn as a networking tool to further enhance a one’s platform to learn AND educate others in the field of Building Engineering. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, we are also providing a FREE LINKEDIN HEADSHOT for all attendees. So come on out and meet your peers!!!
Jonathan Manfredonia
Communications Manager, Hermanson Company
With more than 15 years of experience in social media and brand management, Jonathan has helped businesses and their top leadership build and refine their online presence and personal brands. He has been a guest speaker and panelist for multiple professional groups, universities, and community colleges, teaching others how to best present themselves and grow their professional network online. Jonathan earned his Master’s of Strategic Communication from Washington State University and his Bachelor’s of Public Relations from Gonzaga University.