Puget Sound ASHRAE November Chapter Meeting: DOAS Lessons Learned: Implementing DOAS in the Real World
- Meeting
Seattle WA 98105
United States
TOPIC: DOAS Lessons Learned
Many of us know the basic features of a Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) and what its benefits are, but this presentation dives into the details and common pitfalls often overlooked when starting out to design a DOAS. In this presentation we’ll explore sizing strategies, more advanced control options, and considerations for downstream terminal equipment. At the end there will be time for everyone to share their own lessons learned with the group! Bring ideas! Bring questions! See you there!
Presenter: Sarah Moore
Sarah Moore is a Senior Mechanical Engineer at McKinstry. In her 15 years of experience, Sarah has had the privilege of working as an energy modeler, design engineer, and multi-discipline project manager on projects ranging across a wide spectrum from education to performing arts to retail to commercial high rise. Her current passion is in combining her energy analysis skills and design experience to drive deep energy retrofits that reduce greenhouse gasses, save money, and improve Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) for her existing building customers.