October Chapter Meeting
- Meeting
United States

Modular Pumping Systems for HVAC: Delivering and Maintaining Building Efficiency
Today’s engineers face increased pressure to deliver more efficient buildings, with tighter timelines and smaller budgets. Pumps have traditionally been a small part of the overall HVAC system, but with improved technology are key to maintaining the original design intention. Advanced pump control logic and moving from field-built to packaged pumping systems simplifies specification, installation, operation, and maintenance.
- How pump design impacts maintenance and efficiency throughout the building’s life
- Energy use, relevant standards, and load profiles
- How control modes and sensors impact system operation and comfort levels
- Finding the right supplier and system that simplifies your project
Speaker Bios:
Pete Korzeniewski is the Business Development Manager for Grundfos Commercial Building Services in the US. Pete has been in the pump industry for over 20 years, spending much of his time providing technical training and support to mechanical engineers and contractors serving the commercial market. Pete is committed to helping evolve the industry and provide solutions that help today’s buildings meet key efficiency, timeline, budgetary, and operational goals. In his role at Grundfos, Pete has been a leader in launching packaged pumping systems for HVAC, digital technology solutions, and more. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the State University of New York, College at Cortland.
Chris Ireland is a District Sales Manager for Grundfos Pump in their commercial buildings division in the western United States. He’s worked for Grundfos for nearly eight years and become established in the area by defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling the Grundfos sales and activities within this region. Additionally, he assists customers with designing plumbing and HVAC systems and diagnosing common problems with these systems. This also includes evaluating current systems and how to make them perform better while being more efficient saving on energy costs and system downtime. Before working for Grundfos he was a commercial construction Project Manager for JE Dunn in Kansas City, MO for six years working on many skyline projects in the Kansas City area. He has a Bachelor Degree in Construction Management with an emphasis in technology. He has four daughters and lives in Phoenix, AZ.