Green Drinks Summer Soirée is celebrating Orca Month, tickets available NOW!



Tuesday, June 11, 2019 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm


  • Meeting
3800 Lake Washington Blvd S
Seattle WA 98118

Green Drinks: Summer Soirée

WHEN: Tuesday June 11th
WHERE: Mount Baker Rowing & Sailing
3800 Lake Washington Blvd S
Happy June, everyone! We are only two weeks away from Sustainable Seattle’s Green Drinks Summer Soirée! We are partnering with Puget Soundkeeper Alliance to celebrate Orca Month AND the launch of Clean Streams – a multi-year campaign focused on wild salmon recovery and the critical role farmers, chefs, and grocers have in creating an environment that cultivates the growth of effective streamside buffers and healthy salmon habitat in our local waterways, big and small.
Clean Streams will help amplify and raise awareness about the habitat loss and water quality issues impacting our wild salmon; help audiences understand the connections between wild salmon recovery, our local food production systems, and streamside buffers; and celebrate farmers who recognize the importance of complex habitat for our wild salmon (and our orca, too).

Early Bird tickets are available NOW

Your $7 early bird ticket includes:
-2 free drink tickets for alcoholic beverages- Fremont Brewing & Wilridge Winery will be our partners for this years Summer Soirée!
-Bring your own drinking receptacle (like
a cup or mug, if possible)
-Snacks & Solid music to groove to
-Fun activities to help us build connections with one another
-a cool space to be with us: Mt Baker Rowing & Sailing Center
Tickets will also be available for $10 at the door!

Green Drinks Tickets!

Become a part of the Sustainable Seattle Community by Volunteering at our Green Drinks Summer Soiree!
First time attending a Sustainable Seattle event? Volunteering is great way to ease into Green Drinks! Volunteering gives you the opportunity to meet, and work alongside the staff at S2, as well as interacting with everyone attending Green Drinks. We’ll need help with various tasks, (set up/clean up, checking folks in at registration, restocking snacks, etc) between 4-9pm.
Email Stephanie ( to volunteer!

Make a Contribution to S2

Sustainable Volunteer Opportunities

South Seattle friends this opportunity is for you!

Your help is needed with this huge infrastructure project as we push forward to create a beautiful and environmentally impactful community feature. The Paradise Parking Plots community garden was an underused parking lot that has been transformed into a garden with 50 plots. It is a place where refugees, immigrants and local community members can gather to grow culturally appropriate foods that promote a healthier lifestyle, improve food access, foster economic independence, and build community. We look forward to your help in continuing to build and improve the space!
Our Summer Soiree is one of MANY events happening in June to celebrate Orca Month. See the full list of Orca Action Month events here.
Thank you to Getaround for sponsoring this year’s Summer Soiree, and to Seattle Zero Waste for being another great partner on this event.
Also, thank you to Fremont Brewing and Wilridge Winery for the continued partnership at all of our Soirée events!