February Chapter Meeting – Society Vice Presidential Visit



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm


  • ASHRAE Puget Sound

The European Approach to Decrease Energy Use in Buildings
From the beginning of 2006 all new European buildings (residential, commercial, industrial etc.) must have an energy declaration based on the calculated energy performance of the building, including heating, ventilating, cooling and lighting systems. This energy declaration must refer to the primary energy or CO2 emissions. The directive also states that the energy performance calculation must take into account the indoor climate, but gives no guidelines.
The European Organization for Standardization (CEN) has prepared a series of standards to cover the requirements for the indoor environment, energy performance calculations for buildings and systems, ways of expressing energy performance, inspection of heating-cooling-ventilation systems and conversion to primary energy. This paper presents the EPBD and related standardization. It also gives the status of the on-going implementation of the directive and discusses the issues related to the indoor and outdoor environment. Further activities to decrease energy use is a directive requiring increased use of renewable energy and energy labeling of energy consuming products are further actions.
The presentation will also show examples of activities in the US to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy use in buildings with focus on ASHRAE products and projects.
Presenter Bio: Bjarne W. Olesen Ph.D.
ASHRAE President Elect
Professor, Intl. Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
Master’s degree in civil engineering, 1972. Ph.D., Laboratory of heating and Air Conditioning, Technical University of Denmark, 1975. In the period 1972-1990 Research scientist at the Laboratory of Heating and Air Conditioning. Part time affiliated as product manager at Brüel & Kjaer 1978-1992. Senior Research Scientist, College of Architecture, Virginia Tech. in the period 1992-1993. Since 1993 until January 2004 Head of Research & Development at UPONOR-VELTA GmbH KG & Co., Norderstedt, Germany. Since January 2004 full professor in Indoor Environment & Energy at the Technical University of Denmark and director of the International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Technical University of Denmark. Awarded the Ralph Nevins Award (1982), Distinguish Service Award (1997), Fellow Award (2001) and Exceptional Service Award (2006) from ASHRAE. Awarded the Medal of Honour from the German Engineering Society (VDI-TGA, 2005) and International Honorary Member of SHASE. The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan. President Elect of ASHRAE and Honorary member of AICARR (Italian Society for HVAC)
Is active in several ASHRAE-CEN-ISO-DIN standard committees regarding indoor environment and energy performance of buildings and HVAC systems.  Has published more than 350 papers including more than 60 in peer reviewed journals.