October Chapter Meeting – 2021 Seattle and Washington State Energy Codes
- Chapter Meeting
Seattle WA 98104
United States

This lunch presentation, with guest speaker Duane Jonlin, FAIA, will cover highlights of the proposed “2021” energy codes for Seattle and Washington state taking effect in early 2024. Included will be the new implementation date and the proposed “fossil fuel compliance path,” as well as HVAC impacts of the State’s “Building Performance Standards” and Seattle’s “Building Emissions Performance Standards.” On the technical side, Mr. Jonlin will discuss envelope changes that impact HVAC loads, refinements to DOAS. DCV and TSPR rules, heating and ventilating of residential units, “occupied standby” requirements, and more. Significant time will be devoted to a Q&A session, so bring your questions and concerns.
Duane Jonlin, FAIA, Energy Code and Energy Conservation Advisor, Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections | Duane Jonlin is responsible for development of the Seattle Energy code, and for eight years chaired the Energy Code TAG for the Washington State Building Code Council. At the national level, he is Chair of the IECC Commercial Energy Code Consensus Committee for development of the 2024 IECC and is a voting member of the ASHRAE 90.1 Committee. Prior to taking his position at the City of Seattle, Duane was a principal at NBBJ, with 30 years’ experience designing complex projects as a technical architect. He is a featured speaker nationally on issues of energy efficiency and energy regulations, a member of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows and a Senior Fellow at the New Buildings Institute.