
Building Decarbonization and the Future of Washington State

Building Decarbonization and the Future of Washington State

Join the Puget Sound ASHRAE Government Affairs Committee and Washington Society of Professional Engineers for a panel discussion on decarbonization in Washington State. What comes to mind when you think about the word “decarbonization”? Most might immediately picture the electric vehicle and the transportation sector. But what about the sector that leads the U.S. in…

December Chapter Meeting – ASHRAE Puget Sound 2021-2022

Defining and Assessing Resilience The increasing threat to communities from storms, floods, wildfire, and extreme temperatures has increased the focus on the resilience of the built environment. Merriam-Webster defines resilience as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change”. While resilience is a simple concept, incorporating resilience into buildings and communities…

Chilled Water System Design Decisions

Chilled Water System Design Decisions

This presentation covers many common chilled water system decisions, benefits and adverse effects of those decisions, and reasons a design team may want to choose a particular option. Approximately 7-8 topics from the following list will be included in this fast-paced presentation. Please vote for your preferred topics during registration. Bypass line sizing Ice tanks upstream…

The Advanced Energy Design Guide for Hospitals – Reducing Energy Consumption by 50%

The Advanced Energy Design Guide for Hospitals – Reducing Energy Consumption by 50%

Since 2002, ASHRAE, the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), USGBC, and AIA, with support from the Department of Energy, have collaborated on a series of Advanced Energy Design Guides (AEDGs) that result in significant energy savings in the built environment beyond what is expected by using only ASHRAE Standard 90.1. The AEDG series of documents is…

Acoustical Considerations for Building Design

Acoustical Considerations for Building Design

Overview Sound is often misunderstood or even forgotten during the design stages. This presentation reviews the fundamentals of sound design as well as the corresponding rating criteria and acoustical analysis procedures that align with recommendations for HVAC background sound.   The function and benefits of silencers, acoustic enclosures, as well as quiet terminal units will also…

Very High Efficiency DOAS:  A High-Performance HVAC Approach for Better IAQ, Savings and Resilience

Very High Efficiency DOAS: A High-Performance HVAC Approach for Better IAQ, Savings and Resilience

Oregon Chapter February Virtual Chapter Meeting The next step in the ongoing evolution of HVAC design, very high efficiency DOAS uses the most efficient HVAC equipment and key design principles to provide cleaner and safer indoor air, enhance indoor comfort, and reduce commercial building HVAC energy use by an average of 65% (when compared to…