
Puget Sound ASHRAE November Chapter Meeting: DOAS Lessons Learned: Implementing DOAS in the Real World

TOPIC: DOAS Lessons Learned Many of us know the basic features of a Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) and what its benefits are, but this presentation dives into the details and common pitfalls often overlooked when starting out to design a DOAS. In this presentation we’ll explore sizing strategies, more advanced control options, and considerations…

Puget Sound ASHRAE December Chapter Meeting: Moving Towards Zero Energy Hospital Buildings

Hospitals are large energy consumers, using two to five times the energy of commercial buildings. And, most of the energy consumption is in the HVAC systems; two-thirds to three quarters of hospital energy is heating, ventilation, and cooling. This presentation covers the details, and step-by-step processes, for the design of HVAC systems which are energy-conscious….

Modeling in the 2018 Washington & Seattle Energy Codes with ASHRAE Appendix G

Training Description Washington state is switching to the ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2016 Appendix G modeling protocol this summer, and the current modeling method based on IECC Chapter C407 will no longer be acceptable. The Seattle code will reference ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2019 and will use carbon emissions as the metric for demonstrating compliance instead of…

CANCELLED: March Chapter Meeting: Time Management for the Perpetually Busy Engineer

This event has been cancelled due to concerns with CORVID 19 in the Seattle area. The Public Health Department recommends to avoid gatherings exceeding 10 people, so we are following their recommendation and cancelling the meeting. If you registered for the event, you should receive a refund within a few days. If you do not…

October Chapter Meeting

October Chapter Meeting

Modular Pumping Systems for HVAC: Delivering and Maintaining Building Efficiency Today’s engineers face increased pressure to deliver more efficient buildings, with tighter timelines and smaller budgets. Pumps have traditionally been a small part of the overall HVAC system, but with improved technology are key to maintaining the original design intention. Advanced pump control logic and moving…

November Chapter Meeting

Healthcare Design Trends: New Stanford and LPCH – Flexibility in Design Including Response to COVID The overarching goal for the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (Packard Children’s) was to create an environment that aids healing by providing children and expectant mothers and their visitors warm, comfortable, light-filled and uplifting spaces, creating a “home away from home”….