
April Chapter Meeting: CO2 Monitoring for Outdoor Airflow and Demand-Controlled Ventilation

Distinguished Lecturer Tom Lawrence, PhD, PE A number of programs and standards that exist for buildings today specify the use of outdoor air monitoring Monitoring is to be done either based on CO2 levels in the occupied space or actual measurement of outdoor airflow, depending on the space design occupancy and ventilation type (mechanical or…

Green Drinks Summer Soirée is celebrating Orca Month, tickets available NOW!

Green Drinks: Summer Soirée WHEN: Tuesday June 11th 5pm-8pm WHERE: Mount Baker Rowing & Sailing 3800 Lake Washington Blvd S . . . . Happy June, everyone! We are only two weeks away from Sustainable Seattle’s Green Drinks Summer Soirée! We are partnering with Puget Soundkeeper Alliance to celebrate Orca Month AND the launch of Clean Streams – a multi-year campaign focused…

LEED Energy Modeling for Multifamily New Construction – August 14, 2019

[pdf-embedder url=””] LEED Energy Modeling for Multifamily New Construction Venue: August 14, 2019 at the Smart Building Center, Pacific Tower, 1200 12th Ave S, Suite 110, Seattle, WA, 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM, with a post-training presentation for those who wish to stay Register now for a power-packed session that offers the industry a better…

Why Smart Buildings?: Creating a Compelling Business Case

Please join us and our friends at the Smart Building Center as we Create a Compelling Business Case for investing in Smart Buildings. The event will host a knowledgeable panel to talk through the decision making process around smart technologies and some of the non-energy benefits of adopting a Smart mindset. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2019 Why…