ASHRAE Puget Sound

CRC Tech Session 4

European Technologies – What’s New? New developments in Room Automation for high-end facilities bring lighting controls and automated shading together with heating, cooling and ventilation. The result is a room that is integrated for energy efficiency, responsive to demands of occupants, and cost effective to construct. Lights, shading and HVAC evolved separately in the past,…

ASHRAE Golf Field Day 2017

2017 ASHRAE Golf Field Day Benefiting ASHRAE Research June 2nd | Harbour Pointe Golf Club, Mukilteo WA   Mark your calendars and get ready for our annual golf field day in beautiful Mukilteo! There will be contests, trophies, gift certificates, door prizes dinner, and fun. All proceeds from the tournament will benefit ASHRAE Research to advance the needs of the…

ASHRAE Golf Field Day 2017

2017 ASHRAE Golf Field Day Benefiting ASHRAE Research June 2nd | Harbour Pointe Golf Club, Mukilteo WA   Mark your calendars and get ready for our annual golf field day in beautiful Mukilteo! There will be contests, trophies, gift certificates, door prizes dinner, and fun. All proceeds from the tournament will benefit ASHRAE Research to advance the needs of the…

HVAC Design Level 1 – Essentials

Company Discount: Enroll 3 or more participants from the same company at the same time and SAVE! REGISTER NOW ASHRAE’s HVAC Design: Level I – Essentials provides intensive, practical training for HVAC designers and others involved in the delivery of HVAC services. In three days, gain practical skills and knowledge in designing and maintaining HVAC systems that…

HVAC Design: Level II – Applications

Company Discount: Enroll 3 or more participants from the same company at the same time and SAVE! REGISTER NOW Register for BOTH training sessions to save money and fast track your experience level! ASHRAE’s HVAC Design: Level II – Applications provides instruction on HVAC system designs for experienced HVAC designers and those who complete the HVAC Design: Level I…

LEAF STEM Challenge Coaches Workshop- August 11!

The Lindbergh Electric Airplane Flight (LEAF) Challenge is a standards-based project that helps you bring aerospace alive with kids! Designed for grades 6-12, the LEAF STEM Challenge demonstrates how engineers combine science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to build a successful airplane that carries the most cargo. Workshop registration is $50 and includes continental breakfast,…