The “2018” Energy Codes in 2022

The “2018” Energy Codes in 2022

We had a great turnout for the March Chapter meeting. The recording and slides are below. After a year working under the 2018 Washington and Seattle energy codes, this presentation will provide a recap of the mechanical sections, emphasizing provisions new to the 2018 codes and especially Seattle’s heat pump heating and water heating rules,…

ASHRAE Technology Awards

ASHRAE Technology Awards

Applications Deadline Extended! Due March 18, 2022 The ASHRAE Technology Awards recognize outstanding achievements by members who have successfully applied innovative building design in the areas of occupant comfort, indoor air quality and energy conservation. Their designs incorporate ASHRAE standards for effective energy management and IAQ. Performance is proven through one year’s actual, verifiable operating…

Acoustical Considerations for Building Design

Overview Sound is often misunderstood or even forgotten during the design stages. This presentation reviews the fundamentals of sound design as well as the corresponding rating criteria and acoustical analysis procedures that align with recommendations for HVAC background sound.   The function and benefits of silencers, acoustic enclosures, as well as quiet terminal units will also…

Revised date  2021 International Residential Code Technical Advisory Group Meeting

Revised date 2021 International Residential Code Technical Advisory Group Meeting

Open to the public Virtual options only at this time Date/Time: Monday, February 14, 2022 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Agenda Location: In response to the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation there will not be a physical location. Please access the meeting via Zoom or phone. To join Zoom meeting by phone: 1-888-788-0099 Password: 340555 To join…

SBCC Public Hearing to be held on Group 1 Proposed Rules

SBCC Public Hearing to be held on Group 1 Proposed Rules

Public Hearings Open to the public Virtual options only at this time The State Building Code Council will be holding a series of three public hearings to receive public comments on proposed changes to: WAC 51-50, Adoption and Amendment of the 2021 International Building Code, Non-structural Provisions WAC 51-54A, Adoption and Amendment of the 2021…


What comes to mind when you think about the word “decarbonization”? Most might immediately picture the electric vehicle and the transportation sector. But what about the sector that leads the U.S. in carbon emissions? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2019, commercial and residential buildings led the U.S. in carbon emissions, making…

YEA Member Survey

YEA Member Survey

YEA (and young at heart) members, thank you for helping us to better serve you and our HVAC&R community by completing this survey. Your responses will be used to improve the benefits we offer our young engineers and to enhance our ability to achieve our mission. YEA members, thank you for helping us to better…

BCxA Northwest Chapter – Annual Educational Conference: 2020

BCxA Northwest Chapter – Annual Educational Conference: 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 – Wednesday, October 21, 2020 2 Day Virtual Conference Education Topics: Occupant Safety: o Cx’s role in the Post-COVID-19 built environment. o Smoke Control Special Inspections Optimization and Reliability: o Getting the most out of facility Cx o Building Envelope Cx o Monitoring Based Cx o On-site Energy Storage and Renewable Energy…