ACE Needs Mechanical Engineers!

By Angela Gottula ( The ACE Mentor Program of Washington is recruiting Puget Sound area mechanical engineers to serve as mentors for the 2024-2025 program. If you are not familiar with ACE, it is an after-school extracurricular program that pairs students interested in A/E/C fields with professional mentors who guide them through a design challenge…

2024 Golf Field Day Photos

We kicked off this year with an outstanding Golf Field Day event, and thanks to your enthusiasm and generosity, we raised about $11,000 for ASHRAE Research and Promotion. A special thank you to Harbour Pointe, our incredible sponsors, and all participants for making this possible. Hole Sponsors Highlight: ATS, Belimo, CHC, Gruvlok, Schneider Electric, Proctor…

2024 ASHRAE Puget Sound Chapter Scholarship and Harry Clayton Sutch Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to the recipients of the Harry Clayton Sutch Scholarship and the Puget Sound Chapter Scholarships! These scholarships were awarded to students who exemplified excellence across multiple facets. Their outstanding academic performance demonstrated a strong commitment to learning and a deep understanding of the HVAC&R field. Additionally, their essay responses showcased thoughtful insights, innovative ideas,…

Region XI Decarbonization Webinar: Challenge Accepted! Investing in Decarbonization – Getting in on the Radiant Floor

ASHRAE Region XI hosted a Decarbonization Webinar in January. Click the following link to check out the ASHRAE Region XI website and read about the topic as well as the presenters from our own Region XI. The post also includes the link to the video.

LeadingGreen – LEED Green Associate Training

Start this year right with new credentials in the field of sustainability: the LEED Green Associate! Spearheaded by the US Green Building Council, LEED accreditation tells employers and clients about your knowledge and commitment in the field. While LEED itself is a scorecard for Green Buildings, people can also become LEED accredited highlighting their expertise…