January Chapter Meeting – System Design with Hybrid Elevated Water Terminals and WSEC 2018 Implications



Wednesday, January 13, 2021 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm


  • Meeting

System Design with Hybrid Elevated Water Terminals and WSEC 2018 Implications

Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems provide significant energy savings and thermal comfort benefits over typical all-air mixed-overhead air-distribution systems. It is possible to integrate different DOAS terminals such as chilled beams and fan powered terminal units to provide design flexibility when faced with acoustical, architectural, and zone reheat constraints. The benefits of these terminal products in light of WSEC 2018 will also be discussed.


Mark Mahon, B.Sc. Mech. Engineering, Application Engineering Manager. Mark has worked at Price Industries for the last 5 years as a Research and Development Engineer, Application Engineer, and Application Engineering Manager. His specialization is in Air Moving Products; terminal units, fan coils, hydronic valve packages, and fan-powered chilled water terminals.