2025 ASHRAE Technology Awards – Now Accepting Applications
Chapter Technology Awards Application Period is Now Open

The ASHRAE Technology Awards recognize outstanding achievements by members who have successfully applied innovative building design in the areas of occupant comfort, indoor air quality, and energy conservation. Their designs incorporate ASHRAE standards for effective energy management and IAQ. Performance is proven through one year’s actual, verifiable operating data.
Historically our Puget Sound Chapter has done exceedingly well winning Regional and National awards in a variety of categories. We would like to encourage our members to submit your projects for the upcoming award season. Past chapter winners have gone on to win multiple Regional and Society awards.
To learn more about the awards and their benefits please visit: Technology Awards Program and Technology Awards Benefits.
Please help us spread the word about your innovations and achievements! Chapter-level winners will be celebrated at the April Chapter meeting, and they will also have the opportunity to compete at the Regional Level.
Chapter Deadline: Monday, March 3rd 2025
Please submit your application and reach out with any questions to: info@pugetsoundashrae.org.